Check out the work we have done. Click the images below to see our different galleries.
Decorative Masonry Restoration: Many older and historical buildings we work on have some form of decorative masonry whether it is an intricate limestone pattern or a concrete casting with detailed cornice molding. We use the highest quality materials and installation techniques that are specifically designed to repair intricate patterns and details. The worst part about our job is that when you see are completed product you don’t even know we’ve been there because the building is restored to how it was supposed to look in the first place.
Concrete Restoration: When your sidewalk, landing or retaining wall is cracked, crumbling, scaling, rusting from rebar in the pad, unleveled, or just falling apart removing and replacing is not always the best solution. Yes of course there are situations where full replacement is the best course of action but in a lot of situations repairing and recoating is more affordable and causes less of a disruption. We use the best products and application techniques to ensure the repair work will last.
Masonry Restoration: When the mortar joints of your bricks are crumbling and missing, it is time for some repair. Repointing is the process of removing old failing mortar and replacing with new mortar. When we repoint we don’t just slap some new mortar on and call it good. We remove the mortar ¾ of an inch back to ensure when we repoint it we get a solid bond. After removing the mortar we will pressure wash the brick and mortar joints to ensure we get all the debris out and can match the actual color of the mortar. After identifying the correct color we will custom mix the mortar color to match the existing building and use the correct ratio of lime to ensure the mortar is not too hard.
Caulking/Sealants: Have caulking or expansion joints on your building that are cracked, falling out and failing? Don’t let it get to the point where water is getting in and then destroying what is underneath it through the freeze-thaw cycle. We use the highest quality products and the industry’s highest standards installation methods which include proper preparation, priming, backer rod and instillation.
Parking Garages: Do you have a parking garage that has water leaking through from floor to floor? Do you have concrete that is failing in need of repair? Is your garage looking faded and is need of a cleaning? Our company can service all of your parking garage needs to ensure your parking garage will hold up over time. We can clean, repair concrete, apply caulking that will stop leaks and apply water repellents to help preserve your garage. Do not hesitate to have us come out and evaluate your parking garage.
Building Cleaning: Many buildings have collected dirt, grime, mold and pollutants over the years giving them a dingy, dirty look. Much of this unappealing look can be easily solved with building cleaning us pressure washing and specialized cleaning solutions.
Granite Resetting: Granite steps and landings over time will shift and move. This is usually due to water getting under or behind the granite and going through the freeze-thaw cycle. The great thing about granite is it is very durable. We can reset any dropped, unleveled, and out of alignment pieces. Then using our caulking sealants we can prevent the water from getting behind the granite again preventing movement from the water’s freeze-thaw cycle.
Water Repellents: Applying a water repellent to your existing masonry or concrete surfaces can help extend its life. It is a practical and easy application for extra protection.
Places We Have Worked
Citizens Banks